Wednesday, 20 February 2013

A Storyline of MS

So it looks like MS will be showcased on America's number one daytime drama, 'The Young and the Restless.'  
A very well known character, Nikki, was just diagnosed with MS in today's
episode.  I must say, I was very surprised to see this but curious to see how they portray someone dealing with this disease.  The more awareness on MS the better, and the timing couldn't come at a better time!

                                                             May 26th MS Walk
                                                          CHURCHILL SQUARE
Please support me in the MS Walk fundraiser.  I provided a link to my page below
to donate.  Every little bit counts :-)))

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

It's in our grasp

  A week ago I attended the 'endMS' campaign meeting at the Scotia Bank theatre.  The 'endMS' campaign is focused on raising money for researchers to find a cause and cure for Multiple Sclerosis.  The advancements they have made is quite remarkable.  Finding ways to stimulate the myelin-sheath for regrowth and repair and exploring options in transplanting bone marrow stem cells in people with MS.  Not only is the money being raised for science but for enhancing the quality of life for people with MS. Before this meeting I was very doubtful, doubtful to the notion that there will ever be a cure but I was later amazed to see first hand what big strides were taken to end MS.  An even bigger shock came to me when they introduced one of the lead Neuroscientists for MS,  Dr. Yohannes Haile.  Just from his name alone, I knew we were from the same country, Eritrea.  Eritrea resides on the Horn of Africa with a population of 6 million.  What are the chances!  After the meeting I introduced myself to Dr. Haile and invited him for coffee with me and my dad.  He said yes and the day was set.  So many questions were rummaging through my mind.  How do people get MS? Will it get worse? Will there be a cure?  I did as much reading on the web as I could on his extensive work in Medicine and Neurology.  Even finding out he was in the Metro newspaper for discovering a new drug that could prevent disability in MS.   
We met at Second Cup for coffee and for the first hour didn't talk about anything pertaining to MS.  My dad and Dr. Haile exchanged stories on how they grew up in Eritrea and I was able to talk to his wife about what we studied in school and what goals we had in the future.  Later on we talked about the Patient Specific Treatment they are working on, because MS is different for every individual they need to find treatment specifically for that individual.  Many times we hear of the advancements researchers make in science but what we don't see is the amount of work it took to achieve them.  I got to see a very personal side to this researcher.  A man who is very dedicated and focused to his work and who makes sacrifices in his personal life to do so.  All the questions I was going to ask the doctor I laid to rest.  It wasn't about delving into why I got it, how I got it, at the end of the day I want to see how important this is to you and when I did I felt like I was in good hands.  As we were ending our conversation I had only one last question to ask.  "In my lifetime, will I see a cure for MS?"  Without any hesitation he reached out his hand and said "Yes."  I reached out mine and we shook on it.  And you know what.............I believe him.  

Sunday MAY 26, 2013

I will be participating in the 'MS WALK' fundraiser on May 26th!  In order for me to complete this walk I will be working with my trainers at the UofA and I'll update my blog to let you know how I'm doing.  I'm also in the process of setting up a website so you can donate directly from your mobile phone or computer.  My goal is to raise a minimum of $500.00.  So please ask people you work with, family and friends to donate.

Sunday, 10 February 2013

Big day.

 Hope you guys are enjoying the warm weather outside :-)
Today I'm very lucky to be meeting with one of the leading Neuroscientists in the research of MS.  I will be asking about the researchers work on pain management therapies and how close we are to finding a cure.  If you post a question in the comment box I will be sure to pass it on.

Sunday, 3 February 2013

Finding Hope in Stages

The Kübler-Ross model, commonly referred to as the "five stages of grief", is a hypothesis introduced by Elisabeth Kübler-Ross[1] asserting that when a person (or a survivor) is faced with the reality of impending death or other extreme, awful fate, he/she will experience a series of emotional "stages": denial; anger; bargaining; depression; and, acceptance.

  One year before I was told I had MS I noticed some things about me that seemed a bit strange.  I mean on the outside I looked fine, but when I walked it felt a bit off balance and when I turned my head I would get dizzy.  No big problem.  Ill just graze my fingers on the wall when I walk and when I get dizzy I just won't turn my head so fast.  Its amazing how the human body can unconsciously find ways to adapt in order to keep moving forward.  As my symptoms became worse the more my body would try to adapt, to the point where I would risk my own safety.  One morning I woke up and couldn't see out of my right eye.  So I got in my car and drove to the clinic.  This 1st stage is 'Denial.'  (its ok, you can laugh) As far as I was concerned I was still healthy and everything felt fine.  Maybe he'll give me some eye-drops and then I can hurry home to catch the last episode of The Bachelorette.  It took 2 hours in the doctors office doing test after test for me to finally realize this was serious.  3 weeks later I was diagnosed.    

  There was nothing I wanted more than silence.  I didn't want to talk, think or do anything, let alone say the words Multiple Sclerosis.  At this time you would have found me in my bedroom zoned out.  My thoughts had no colour,  no sound just a silent shade of grey.  As shocked as I was I had to keep this quiet.  I had to make sure nobody outside the immediate family knew.  I did this because I didn't want anyone's sympathy or pity.  Imagine you walked into a crowded room with no clothes on, how would you feel?  Embarrassed, ashamed, lost, confused, fuddled, sad, hopeless, worthless, exposed?  These are common psychological symptoms of being diagnosed with MS.  If there was anyway I could keep my clothes on in that crowded room I was gonna do it.  This stage is the 'Bargaining' stage.  Trying to keep tabs on who knew so it wouldn't get out, trying to postpone what was eventually to be inevitable. It's a line of defense to protect people from the painful reality.
   I racked my brain over and over in my text books and spent hours on WebMd trying to find answers as to how I got MS.  People who are at higher risk to get MS are Caucasian women over 40 and who may have it in their family.  OK, so I'm not 40 and I'm not white and I don't have it in my FAMILY!!!!!!! So your telling me I'm that 1-2% chance of getting it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!This stage is 'Anger.'  "Why me"  was a question I asked myself a million times.  I did everything right in life.  I listened to my parents, I treated people with respect and kindness. I take out the trash but only if its not raining or snowing outside and  I would even say hello to my neighbours, even when they have a bad attitude.  I'm a good person and I don't deserve this! All my anger needed to go somewhere.  Someone had to be held accountable for who could I blame?  I'll blame God. 

Jeremiah 29:11

"For I know the plans I have for you," says the Lord. "They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope."

  As I would sit in church staring expressionless at the Pastor I couldn't find it in my heart to be angry at God.  There has to be something to this, it just doesn't make any sense.  As I pondered and sulked on my sorrows I felt a suffocating surge of despair and loneliness.  This stage is called 'Depression.'  The funny thing about this stage is that you can't do anything but surrender, your left with having to feel your feelings.  This stage is hard.  Its painful and it will come and go but that's where faith comes in.  I would get these calls day and night from family and friends asking to see me and offering food, flowers and gifts.  I was blessed to know I wasn't going to be alone in this.
  Now comes the last stage.  'Acceptance.'  In the past year Iv'e repeated this cycle about a hundred times but through the good and the bad I'll strive to find hope, faith and acceptance and this blog is a representation of that.

God Bless