Wednesday, 30 January 2013

Couldn't see this coming

"I have Multiple Sclerosis."  

Those are four words I thought I would never never say.  Before I was diagnosed with MS I was in school to become a nurse.  A profession where I would assist and take care of people who are sick, like people who have MS.  I can remember in my Mental Health class watching a video of a woman who had MS.  She appeared to be in her early 40's and had symptoms of uncontrollable shaking, unable to walk, talk or take care of herself in any manner.  Because of this her 8 year old daughter became her new caregiver.   She would help dress, feed and prepare her mothers medication.  As a soon to be nurse we are supposed to understand the patients disabilities and find ways to assist them in their day-to-day activities but all I could help think was "I'm glad I don't have to deal with that!" So why was I introduced to MS in that way?? Were they trying to scare us??  or did they want to show the worst case possible so that we could be prepared?? Whatever the reason it made a lasting impression on me.  When people hear someone is affected with MS they immediately think your going to die or be in a wheelchair.  Who knew MS could look like me.  Wish they would have shown that in the video.  A woman in an office job taking care of three kids at home and goes hiking on the weekends.  I think if I was introduced to MS like that it would have been an easier pill to swallow.  Not saying that getting any diagnosis is easy.  I still remember the date, the time, the weather and what i was wearing when he told me I had MS.  I had some idea after I got my MRI and was called in the doctors office the next morning that the news wasn't going to be good.  Psychologically you try to prepare yourself for whatever news your about to hear.  In my case its hair and make-up!  I dolled myself up like I was about to go to war.  I curled my hair, painted my nails and did my make up looking sleek and fabulous.  My dad who was going to drive me was a bit unsure if I had any idea where I was going.  I walked fiercely into the building, full of control, ease and holding my head high.  "Hi, my name is Feven Fessahye and Im here to see Dr. Pokroy."  I took a seat with my dad beside me and waited.  What was going through my mind you ask?? NOTHING.  I felt weirdly at peace.  Maybe all that extra mascara paid off, but as I was called into the doctors office my feeling of peace turned numb when I looked at my dad.  When you take a heavy stone and drop it in shallow water a ripple effect will start to form.  What was about to happen to me was now going to cause ripple effects to my entire family.  LESIONS, SCARS, PLAQUE!!  It was an intense battle in that office, and when I came out my life was changed forever.  Was I going to end up like that woman in the video?    

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